Projects and blog posts

Here is a taste of what I've been working on. From coding challenges to CTF writeups, you'll get a glimpse into my passions and skills.

Awareness training campaigns

My documented approach to creating and deploying security awareness training campaigns.

Steg CTF challenge writeup

Check out one of the steganography challenges I made for the PeCAN+ CTF competition.

Password migration

My experience on my journey towards passwordless.

Check out the cryptographic hash function I built from scratch using Python.

Future projects

What I plan to complete in the second half of 2024

Setting up my homelab

Repurposing my old desktop computer to use as a NAS, media server, smart home hub, and more!

Event management tips

Lessons learned from coordinating and organising workshops, social, and industry events.

Security monitoring demo

Installing and configuring Wazuh as a SIEM for monitoring my home network.

Networking as a student

My experience and tips on overcoming imposter syndrome and getting out of my comfort zone.